In the past purifying plants and herbs was a messy, tiresome task with hit and miss yields at best. Now with the aid of Kanga Can™ and dry ice, tasks like extracting the crystals off of the herbs leaves is quick clean work. Don't worry! No power tools, water or mess is involved when you use THE WORLDS FIRST manufactured dry ice hopper. Kanga Can™ has perfected the dry ice extraction process for you. In the past dry ice separation was only available to scientists and botanists. Now thanks to Kanga Can™, quick clean extraction is in the hands of Do-It-Yourselfer's, like you and me! Even better is the fact that dry ice can be bought at many supermarkets. 1.Simply add dry ice into the Kanga Can™ with crushed dried herbs 2.Slide on the pouch 3.Shake the Kanga Can up and down. My dear friend, please trust me when I say, immediately pure plant crystals will emerge through the drum like mesh on the end. 4.Shake over a smooth surface and scrape up the particulate matter.
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$79.99Sale Price